2011年6月19日 星期日

Really Really Free Market in Taipei

No money. No barter. No trade. Everything is FREE!

Really Really Free Market originally started in the United States, but now it has spread to the world. It is a movement that aims to counteract with capitalism, believing that there is enough for everyone, and we just need to find a better to distribute. In RRFM, anyone can just pick up something he/she wants, without any obligation of paying or exchanging. People offer things, food, skills or anything that they think are valuable to join the market. 

In Taipei, a group of people has started Taipei's RRFM since April, 2011. Now it is a monthly event opened to anyone on every 3rd Sunday afternoon of each month.

RRFM website http://www.reallyreallyfree.org/
RRFM wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Really_Really_Free_Market
Check out 台北無價市集Taipei's Really Really Free Market Facebook group page for most recent details.

